Behavior Blog ysos Tips

Splash Hotel Takeover – TX Episode 2 Swing & Tell

Splash Hotel Episode:

Splash Hotel Takeover: A Non-Stop Swinger Adventure

Hey, I’m Mayumi, and I’m back to guide you through the world of open-minded parties, swing clubs, and sex-positive events around the world.

This audio is part of a 12-episode series where we explore different venues offering a little excitement for the sexually curious. And I hope my insights help you choose the right destination for you and your partner!

I’ve been researching sexuality, fetishes, and the swinger lifestyle for over ten years, and I visited all these places as a guest of the Ysos app—a dating platform for couples and singles looking to turn their fantasies into reality. Ysos connects couples and singles looking to spice up their sex life. Hit the link and download Ysos now!

Today’s review is perfect for those who love non-stop fun because this event lasts four days! I attended the Splash Takeover held in Houston, Texas.

Splash isn’t just a party—it’s a multi-day experience where an entire hotel is reserved exclusively for open-minded couples from all over the United States.

You check in on Thursday and leave on Sunday, after days and nights filled with excitement and connection alongside dozens of swinger-friendly couples.

Ticket prices range from $200 for single day entry, to between $1,000 and $2,000 for the full week event, depending on the type of room you’re looking for. These fees cover the price of admission and a private room for two – food and drinks are an additional cost.

The atmosphere is fantastic!

Splash is a couples-only party, so you’ll need to find a partner if you want to visit. And one of the best things about an event like this is that you have time to truly connect with people. You can get to know others at your own pace, build friendships, and learn about their entire journeys—not just the nuances of their swinger activities.

Most attendees were between 45–50 years old, but there was a solid mix of younger couples in their 30s. It wasn’t the most wide-ranging crowd I’ve ever seen, but there was still a diveristy in ages.

And their stories were just as diverse! Some couples had been together for decades and were longtime members of the scene, while others were experiencing this for the first time. I met all kinds of people—monogamous couples who were just playful, people in open relationships, engaged partners, newlyweds… a little bit of everything.

I think this event is a great starting point for newcomers to the swinger scene. Sure, it’s cheaper and easier to just go to a swing club in your own city on a random night. But that often requires more initiative, since you have just one evening to meet people and start conversations before the night is over.

At Splash, there’s time to ease into it, figure out who you feel comfortable around, and explore everything at your own pace—even if that means not doing anything at all and simply enjoying the event’s atmosphere.

Each day on Splash Hotel follows a similar rhythm

  • Daytime pool parties
  • Afternoon workshops and talks covering topics like open relationships, swinger etiquette, Q&As with influencers, BDSM introductions, and even massage classes
  • Nightly theme parties where everyone goes all-out on costumes
  • After the party, the event transitions to the playroom, an entire floor of the hotel dedicated to more intimate interactions

Throughout the day, women typically go topless or wear minimal bikinis, and men stick to swim trunks, but full nudity isn’t allowed.

Since this is a regular hotel for most of the year, no outsiders are allowed to stay during the event. Even delivery services have to wait across the street for someone to pick up.

And surprisingly, the hotel staff handles everything with total professionalism. The organization and cleanliness are impeccable!

The parties are amazing—people are open, friendly, and interested in socializing. There are plenty of deep conversations, not just constant flirting, which is a nice contrast to what outsiders might expect.

But once nighttime hits, things really start to heat up.

The playroom—where the real action happens—is open from 10 PM to 4 AM. Couples come and go, stopping by between drinks, dance breaks, or private room visits. It stays busy all night long.

The lighting is dim, the music is soft and sensual, and there are mattresses spread throughout the rooms, along with plenty of condoms, lube, and hand sanitizer.

At first, couples hang back, chatting and observing from the sidelines. But as the night goes on, things pick up, and people start getting involved—some move to the main beds, and others follow their lead.

One of the highlights is a BDSM space where experienced guides help curious newcomers explore the scene safely.

And again—the staff is incredible. The moment someone gets up from a mattress (even if they didn’t do anything risque), a staff member immediately replaces the sheets. The cleanliness and attention to detail were truly next level!

Is It Worth It? Absolutely!

Out of all the events I’ve attended, this was one of the most comfortable and enjoyable experiences I’ve had. I left with amazing new friendships, and the environment is clearly run by people who understand the lifestyle and know exactly what makes these events special.

I’d definitely go back and highly recommend it!

And if you dream of going to an event like this but don’t have the right company, I highly suggest checking out the Ysos app.

It’s a platform that connects curious singles and couples looking for like-minded people who know what they want. Download the app now:

ysos Android
ysos iOS

This audio is part of a 12-episode series reviewing swing clubs and exclusive parties worldwide. So if you enjoyed this story from inside one of the premier sex-frendly events in the US, you know where to find more!

Thanks for listening, and see you soon to discuss another foray into the world of the sexually adventurous!

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