Blog ysos Features

 Benefits of being GOLD!

You don’t need to pay to send photos or chat on our platform, but only GOLD users increase their chances of success, get more visibility, and also, have a special experience with unlimited likes!

What are the advantages of being Gold?

The first advantage is greater visibility in the EXPLORE GRID. Your profile gains a differentiated look and stands out on the list of profiles.

Furthermore, only GOLD users have access to the list of likes they received and new visits.

Now it’s possible to see who visited and who liked your profile using the “Interactions” in the App’s message tab. With access to likes, you can make it easier to find a new match, and in the list of visits, you can see who took a look at your profile.

GOLD users also have more visibility in the likes.

For example: if a GOLD subscriber and a non-subscriber both like the same profile, the GOLD like will appear first, having more visibility to getting a response!

Enjoy the app unrestrictedly with unlimited likes!

You can like as many profiles as you want! This increases your chances of getting a match.

+1 Chance: Before making a match, only GOLD users have one more chance to send another message to the previously liked profile.

Anonymous Visiting

Visit profiles in an anonymous way, avoiding possible contact from a profile that you didn’t have much interest in. This option is disabled by default, so when becoming GOLD, it’s necessary to activate anonymous visiting  in settings!

So, did you like the benefits? Don’t waste time and become Ysos GOLD now!

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